Engineering plastics

TENAC™-C (ZM413 grade)

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Asahi Kasei has modified the conventional polyacetal resin to take on metallic colors while achieving low VOC emissions. This contributes to significant cost reduction by eliminating the plating and coating process helping reduce the negative environmental impact.


  • Excellent design capability
  • Low VOC emission
  • Cost reduction and environmental load


  • Vehicle interior parts


Engineering plastics

TENAC™-C (ZM413 grade)


ZM413's low VOC emission and good weather resistance make it the ideal material for interior vehicle parts. The unique metallic color provides sophisticated cabin designs.

ZM413's low VOC emission and good weather resistance make it the ideal material for interior vehicle parts. The unique metallic color provides sophisticated cabin designs.


Excellent design capability

Asahi Kasei offers wide range of colors in various levels of brightness and shades of glossiness.


Low VOC emission

ZM413 can maintain low VOC emission (VDA275 < 2 ppm) throughout the coloring process while maintaining its physical properties. ZM413 displays superior weather resistance that is equivalent to general weather-resistant engineering plastics.


Cost reduction and environmental load

To produce a metallic part, the base resin's surface is generally coated. The coating process requires a multistep process, making it costly to produce. During the coating process, solvents are used, causing an adverse environmental effect. Asahi Kasei's ZM413 material can eliminate the coating processes, providing an environmentally friendly solution.

Usage example01

Vehicle interior parts

ZM413 contributes to safer, more luxurious interior design. Coated products often start to experience peeling due to wear over time. This can expose sharp edges that may lead to injuries when in contact with human skin. ZM413 eliminates the coating process reducing the risk of peeling and potential damage. Removing the coating process allows vehicle interiors to maintain their fresh, luxurious design.

Further details en/products/tenac/

Product Q&A

QWhich interior parts use ZM413?

A It is used not only for interior decoration parts that require designability, but also functional parts that require durability such as inner door handles.

QCan ZM413 be used instead of a plated product?

A Although it is difficult to reproduce the same exact metallic feel of plated products, but ZM413 can be a lighter option to such product while maintaining equivalent durability.

QCan it also be used for exterior parts?

A No, it does not meet the weatherability standard required for exterior parts.

QCan we use mold for existing products to process ZM413?

A The orientation of aluminum pigment becomes uneven, causing material-specific appearance defects. In order to suppress appearance defects, the product shape and the gate position must be optimized.

QWhat molding conditions do you recommend?

A ZM413 can be molded under the molding conditions that are the same as those for normal polyacetal resin. However, even when the same coloring method is applied, the design (appearance) of the molded product may change depending on the mold temperature or filling speed.

QHow do we adjust colors?

A Normally, you should adjust colors by referring to color plates (painting samples, etc.). The visual image may differ depending on whether the object is a solid body or a curved or flat object. Thus, it is necessary to check the color of molded product and adjust accordingly.


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